NameElizabeth Dick 
Birth1 Jan 1836, Bathgate Linlithgowshire, Scotland125
Birth1826, Horbury Yorkshire England125
Death4 Sep 1872, Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia126,125
Marriage30 Sep 1856, Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia127,128
Notes for Elizabeth Dick
The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 16 October 1856
On the 30th ultimo, at Port Macquarie, by the Rev. Edward
Holland, Henry Heap Kendall, famer, Sunnyside, Hastings
River, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Thomas Dick, of Hurs-
ley, Hastings River, formerly of Linlithgow, Scotland.
Deceased Estates
Rawdon Island
I have a photo copy of a letter from Mrs. H.H. Kendall written to my husbands great great grandfather dated August wnd 1884. Some of it is hard to understand but I will tell you as much as I can.
My husbands great great grandfather placed an add in the Town & Country 19th July, 1884.
Bathgate folks in the colonies favourable towards contributing Academy Procession will receive
particulars by sending address to Mr. Peter Shanks Russell Street Bathurst.
Rawdon Island
Hastings River
Port MacQuarie
Mr. Peter Shanks, Dear Sir
Having accidently noticed in "Town & Country" of July 19th Advertisement headed Bathgate Folk
?????? I was a Bathgate bairn ????????? I would be most happy to hear from you. I came
to this colony in 1855. I had two brothers ? John & George Dick and my father was for many
years town clerk. So I will say no more to identify myself at present and ?????
yours respectively Mrs. H.H. KENDALL once Eliza Dick
I think that the advertisement and her reply was to do with the masonic lodges I think her father
or brothers may have been members.
Hope this letter may help you.
Judy Shanks