NameKeith Augustus Larkins 
Birth1909, Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia
Death8 Oct 1942, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
KEITH A. LARKINS (1942, October 10). Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved August 15, 2020, from KEITH A. LARKINS The death occurred at Wagga early yesterday morning, of Mr Keith Augustus Larkins 33 of Holbrook. The Holbrook district has lost a citizen for whom it had the highest regard. He was the son of Mr and Mrs F. A. Larkins, of the Holbrook Hotel, and a member of a family which dates back for generattons in Riverina history. Born in 1909, Mr Larkins. received his early education at the Holbrook Convent School, and later attende St. Patrick's Ballarat. He was particularly well known in Australian Rules football. Nine years ago he married Dorothy Jane, daughter of Mr T E Kendall of "Mayburn:, Holbrook, and in addition to his wife and parents, he is surviived by Judith Ann, a six-months-old daughter, and a sister, Mrs. Lindsay Hicks. The funeral will take place at Holbrook this afternoon.
• BIRTH VIC BDM 23562 / 1909,Family name: LARKIN, Given name(s):Keith Augustus, Place of event:WANGARATTA, VIC, Australia, Mother's name: Ellen,Mother's family name at birth:MAYER,Father's Name: Fran Augustus
N.S.W. Births ,Deaths and Marriages 4244/1933 LARKINS KEITH A married KENDALL DOROTHY J district HOLBROOK
N.S.W. Births ,Deaths and Marriages LARKINS KEITH AUGUSTUS J 30528/1942 (F=FRANCIS AUGUSTUS M=ELLEN) district WAGGA WAGGA
Holbrook Cemetery Index