NameClara Maria (Kendall) 
Death1956, Auburn, New South Wales, Australia641
Divorce17 Sep 1910, Bourke, New South Wales, Australia
Notes for Clara Maria (Kendall)
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Friday 16 September 1910 Page 9
BOURKE, Thursday.
At the Quarter Sessions on Wednesday,
Judge Gibson presiding, Mr. Bevan Crown Pro-
secutor, Donald Shaw appealed against the
amount of the license fee for Tattersall's Hotel
as fixed by the Licensing Bench, and after evi-
dence his Honor lowered the annual rate by
The first divorce case held in Bourke was
heard. Clara Kendall applied for a divorce
from John Kendall on grounds of misconduct
and desertion. His Honor held the issues were
not proved, and dismissed the application,
although there was no defence. There were
no criminal cases for hearing.
Western Herald (Bourke, New South Wales, : 1887 - 1970)
Saturday 17 September 1910 Page 4
Clara Kendall v. John Hardy Kendall.
This was an application for divorce on the
grounds of adultery, and desertion.
Mr. Bevan, instructed by Mr. Page ap-
peared for applicant.
Mrs. Kendall said her husband was a
second-hand dealer by business. There
were four children by the marriage, two of
whom were now alive, tho eldest of which
was thirteen years of age. They had lived
in Bourke since tho marriage. She left her
husband in March, 1906, in consequence of
his drinking heavily and ill-treating her,
and went to Forbes. She failed to get a
maintenance order, through lack of evidence,
and returned to Bourke in 1907. She then
got a prohibition order against him. They
lived together until May, 1908, when Kendall
sold off his shop. They separated later
in that year. He had not supported her.
She saw her husband in a house in September
when the woman locked the door. She
knocked and the two ran out at the back.
Later on he ordered her out of her own
house. Her husband in September said that
he was the father of a child by another
woman. She did not live with him as his
wife after that. Respondent then went to
Cobar. On 3rd February, 1909, she summoned
him for maintenance, he having returned
to Bourke, Sho got an order for 18s
a week for herself and the children: On
his return she saw her husband with the
woman who he said was the mother of his
child. He had been put in gaol for neglect
of paying the maintenance order, and on
being released went to live with the woman.
Several other witnesses gave evidence,
and His Honor ruled tho issues were proven,
and forwarded the application on to the
Supreme Court, Sydney.
The Court then adjourned.
Western Herald (Bourke, New South Wales, : 1887 - 1970)
Wednesday 5 November 1913 Page 2
Our Local Parliament,
TIio ordinary fortnightly meeting of
the Council of the Municipality of
Bourke was held on Monday night
last, November 3. Present : The
Mayor, (Ald HI. K. Bloxham), and
Alderman Whittaker, Rice, Nash and
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were road and confirmed.
Outward correspondence was read
and approved.
Inward correspondence was read
and dealt with as follows :—
From the Water Inspector reporting
that Mrs Hardy-Kendall had with
drawn the work of extending the
water service at her premises from the
the licensed plumber who was doing it,
and informed him (the Inspector) that
she had completed the work herself.
He recommended that the water be
cut off and further proceedings taken.
The Mayor wrote a minute, author-
ising the water to be cut off until the
Inspector was satisfied that the work
had been done properly and according
to regulations.
The Inspector further reported that
Mrs Kendall had been so advised, and
the water had been cut off.—Received
and endorsed.
The Inspector reported that the
number of services for the fortnight
ended October 28 was 983. Mrs
Hardy Kendall, having expressed a
determination not to pay the amount
of sanitary fees, 11s 6d, owing by her,
he served a notice on the 23rd Oct.,
to pay within seven days, or prosecu-
tion would follow. In this matter it
was not the amount owing, but the
defiant attitude of the debtor that had
to be considered. At North Bourke,
immediately upon the river bank, Mrs
Gorrie was living in a temporary struc-
ture, the refuse and drainage from
which found it's way into the water
supply. As the conditions were a,
source of danger to the public health
he suggested that steps be taken to
effect a removal. He would draw at
tention to the fact that the gravel
supply had become exhausted. He
suggested that the contractor submit
a sample.
The Inspector was instructed to
take immediate action against Mrs
After consideration the Inspector
was instructed to give notice to all
residents on the river to immediately
abate nuisances of the kind reported
by him.